For the BEST and I mean BEST seafood you’ve got to go to Casa Bigote. Almost everyone you ask who has been to Sanlúcar will either have heard of Bigote, or have eaten there themselves…it’s that good! There are two options for eating at Casa Bigote; Bigote’s Taberna (barra) or the Casa Bigote Restaurant. The taberna offers a more casual setting, a bit lower in price and you might have to stand if there’s no seats. I like the taberna because in the off-season you can usually get a barrel outside (and a seat) and gaze at the Guadalquivir as you enjoy your food. Sometimes there are servers to take your order but most of the time you’ll order your food at the counter and pick it up when they call you. The inside of the taberna is decorated with photos of famous bull fighters and flamenco singers who’ve eaten at the restaurant, as well a collection of interesting maritime memorabilia.

Enjoying a meal in the taberna!
The Casa Bigote Restaurant is directly next door to the taberna; this is a large, multi-level restaurant and upstairs you can enjoy a view of the river and Doñana National Park. Dishes are typically larger in size and cost a bit more in the restaurant but you’ll be able to sit and enjoy your meal in tranquil setting. Either way, if you choose the taberna or the restaurant you’re guaranteed to find some of the best seafood in town!

Upstairs seating is available in the restaurant if you want a view of Doñana National Park!

There’s always a crowd of locals here!
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